Thursday, April 24, 2014

God's Forgiveness

When we look deep into the scriptures, we read a lot about man falling short of the glory of God. We come to realize that no one is perfect. We have all sinned. We have all made mistakes. We have all made God disappointed and sometimes knowing that we have made Him feel that way can be hard to deal with. Here is God, who created us with love and care, who sent His son to die for our sins, and looking back on our past we can see how we have rejected Him in some way. Of course it's natural for us to experience the feelings of guilt and shame, but sometimes we can forget how wonderful God really is.
When I first became a Christian I was still struggling with the demons from my past. For a couples months in my nightly prayers I would ask God to forgive me for all that I had done. I asked Him to see that my heart had changed and that I wasn't the person I once was, but it still burdened my heart to know that I had made so many bad life choices. I felt like the things that I had done were unforgivable and guilt got the best of me. One day though while I was having one of my usual spur of the moment heart to hearts with my mom, things changed for me. I had mentioned to her in our talk that I always asked God for forgiveness for what I had done and that I would lay in bed at night and replay all the mistakes that I had made in my mind. I remember her in that moment looking at me with a smile as she said “Ashley, you have already been forgiven. Remember when you asked God for forgiveness and were baptized? He took those sins away from you and washed them away. You don't need to worry about that anymore.”
Boom. There it was! All this time I had been praying and praying to be forgiven when I had forgotten the whole time that I already had been. I had forgot that when I went down into that water that I was not only putting on Christ but that He had forgiven me as well. 

Acts 3:19 “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,”

1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

There is something so wonderful about God's forgiveness that I can't even really explain how it feels. It's such an amazing feeling to know that although I hurt God and turned away from Him, He has always opened His arms to accept me and all my flaws, as He does for you. Not only does this remind me of how awesome He really is, but also how we need to learn from His example.
Sometimes when people do us wrong, it is hard to forgive them. It's difficult to know somebody who maybe you know has done something wrong or has hurt someone that you love, but through God's example we have to learn to forgive not only ourselves for our sins, but also for the others around us.

Matthew 6:14-15 “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

It's not always easy to get to this point of forgiveness, but with God's example we know that it is possible. We all have a great opportunity to let God work through us and we have the chance to show others who God is through loving each other and showing them compassion. God's forgiveness is so powerful, and we should always strive to be more like Him.

Monday, April 14, 2014

God's Will

     The other day I was watching a television show with my dad about these fictional characters who fight off demons, ghosts, evil etc. In the episode that we watched together, one of the main characters was arguing with his brother that there was no such thing as angels, an afterlife or a such thing as "God's will". The other brother disagreed with him, saying that with all the evil that they had encountered in their lives that there had to be some good and that God's will would always be done. Towards the end of the episode, the brother who did not believe in a God actually ended up being convinced that his brother was right because he physically saw someone who was a horrible person die an unlikely and cruel death. He said that he believed what his brother had said because he had “seen God's will be done.”
      I couldn't help but think about what this show portrayed as “God's will” after I watched it. Did this character really have to physically see someone die to believe that God played a part in his life? And do people really believe that we have to physically see God work in our lives for Him to be real? In Romans 10:17 it says “So faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” When we read this we can understand that the answer to those questions above are no. We gain our faith through reading and studying our bible. We shouldn't have to see miracles to believe that God is always with us and using us, we need to just have faith in Him.
      One way that I think that we can truly see God's will though in our lives is when we take a look back into our past. For me, I can look back on the choices that I made when I was in high school and I realize now that those “little decisions” actually led to having a huge impact on my life. If things didn't play out the way they did, I probably would never have become a Christian or be where I am in my life right now. When I did choose to have God in my life I learned that the more choices I made, the more I could see God working in it. God doesn't need to physically stand in front of us so that we can believe that He is working with us, we just need to put our lives in the palm of His hands and ask Him to lead us the way that He wants us to go and we will see His will be done.

Young Ladies Summer Bible Class

5.21.13 Self Esteem
It can be discouraging sometimes in school when you feel like there are people all around you who are better than you. We have all been down on ourselves at one point whether it’s because of our looks, how smart we are or how athletic we are. Studies have actually proven that girls have lower self-esteem than boys, which causes us to be more depressed as well. In high school, there is a huge amount of pressure to fit in with the crowd, but is that what God really wants us to do? Tonight we will take a look at how to be more confident, realize your inner and outer beauty, and what God says about who we are.
  • What does God have to say about us? Proverbs 31:10-11, 1 Peter 3:3-4
  • Do you think as Christians we realize everyday how much God loves us? Do you think people who aren’t Christians realize how special they are as well?
Here are some things that we need to keep in mind when it comes to being confident woman in Christ:
  • In God’s eyes, we are wonderfully and fearfully made! Psalms 139:14
  • What matters is what God thinks of us, not our peers and others who judge us.
  • Not only do we need to be confident in ourselves, but more importantly we need to be confident in God.
Think about a Christian woman that you know or who are close with that you really admire. What qualities does she have that you admire the most? What about her do you love and think is acceptable and pleasing in God’s eyes?
Now, think about your. List the qualities that you love about yourself and things that you think are pleasing to God.
Review your list of qualities of both the Christian woman you chose and yourself. Circle the qualities that you have in common. How many qualities do you share? ___ Then, highlight the qualities that you want to apply to your life. How do you think you can apply these?
Personal assessment:
  • Do you think that you have a high self-esteem? Why or why not?
  • Do you think there is a difference between having a high self-esteem and being cocky? How can you tell the difference if you think there is one?
Prayer requests:

Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure, remember to whom you belong.”

5.27.13 Sex Before Marriage
In high school and college, sex is something that is often talked about and encouraged by the people around you. Society and entertainment have put a face on sex before marriage that it is acceptable and should be practiced, not considering what God has commanded us to do. As Christian women, we need to understand that this is clearly not God's plan for us! In this study we will look into what God says about sex before marriage, ways to avoid temptation, and things to think about when it comes to sex.
  • What does God say about sex before marriage? 1 Corinthians 6:18, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
  • Why do you think that people ignore what God has said and engage in sexual activity?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
As Christians, we are commanded to be in the world and not of it. So with all this sexual immorality around us, how can we abstain from sinning?
  • Surround yourself with good, moral people.
  • Think about your future marriage.
  • Wear modest clothing: If you dress immodestly, boys will be more likely be tempted to lust after you and try to get you to sin.
  • Pray, pray, pray!! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
  • Anymore ideas? _________________________________________________________.

Things to keep in mind when it comes sexual immorality:
  • Satan is always waiting for the right moment to tempt you, he doesn't take a lunch break. 2 Corinthians 11:14
  • If you are choosing to be with someone who is not a Christian, you need to make sure you are communicating with him on your morals when it comes to sex before you get into the relationship. This is extremely important.
  • Remember that you are not alone in your struggles! Your Christian sisters are in the battlefield with you. If you are struggling, don't be afraid to talk about it.
  • Once you are sexually immoral, you can't take it back. God will forgive you if you ask for repentance, but the consequences will follow you throughout the rest of your life.
  • Our bodies are not our own, it is God’s! This means that we are to be selfless, not to be selfish. If we are, that is sin. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
Think about someone who you know around your age who has had sex before they were married. Ask yourself these things: What did they benefit from it? Are they still with the person that they had sex with? Are they praising God with their actions? We need to learn from what we see around us! Realize all the negative effects that these decisions made in their life and know that God has given us these commands for a reason! He loves you, and His way is the best and only way to live a pure life. 1 John 4:19
  • As a Christian, how do you plan to stay firm on your stand to be celibate? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
  • Is sex personally a temptation for you? Why or why not? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
  • Write down some ways that you can help encourage your friends from sexually sinning.
Prayer requests:

Maintaining a celibate relationship is hard, that’s why standards must be set and God has to be centered.”

6.4.13 Dating

When it comes to dating, things can get a little tricky. You know what you want in a guy: a love for God, good character, honesty, humor, good looks, the list goes on and on. It can be discouraging as Christian girls though to live in a place where there seem to be no Christian guys. A recent study that was conducted actually showed that only 5% of people who live in Nevada let alone go to church, and that goes for all religions! It’s hard to think that God has someone for you in a place where God doesn’t even seem to exist in people’s lives. It can also be difficult to decide when you are ready to date, and when it’s appropriate to be in a relationship. In this study, we will talk about how to not be discouraged, things to think about when it comes to dating, and how we can make the right decisions that glorify God.
  • Do you think it’s okay to date when you’re in high school? Or even in middle school? Why or why not?
  • What is the purpose of dating someone?
  • Something to think about… “Dating without the intent of getting married is like going to the grocery store with no money, you either leave unsatisfied or you take something that isn’t yours.”
It can be difficult to want to be in a relationship when you are single. Here are some things to think about when you get down:
  • Remind yourself that God knows what is in your heart, there is no need to worry! Psalms 37:4-6
  • Pray, pray, pray!!
  • If you really want to meet some new Christian people, there are several churches in places like California and Oregon that you can go visit. Put yourself out there!
  • Remember, you already have the greatest love of all! Jesus died for us, that is the greatest love we could ever receive. John 3:16
If or whenever you have started liking a guy who is not a Christian, we need to keep in mind some things that are important:
  • Marriage will be hard for someone who is not married to a Christian, and also on their children. 1 Corinthians 7:12-16
  • Dating someone who is not a Christian can be very hard. Don’t let them take you away from your faith, stay strong! Encourage them to be interested in your faith, not the other way around. If you are dating someone who is not a Christian make sure they are open to studying about God and are interested in hearing the word.
  • Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who was not a Christian? If so, how did it benefit you or the person you were with?
  • Make a list of things that you personally want in a guy. Look back on these things when you are interested in someone. Do not settle! If they don’t fit these requirements, don’t pursue it. God will give you exactly what you need.

Prayer requests:

Dance with God and he will let the perfect man cut in.”
6.11.13 Focusing During Worship

During services, it can be so difficult to focus. There are so many distractions during worship, as well as things you do that can hinder your mindset when you go to church. This can become a huge problem that should be addressed, but it can be hard to talk about with someone. In this study, we will talk about going through the motions on the Lord’s day, where our hearts should be during worship, and how we can better our focus when it comes to services.
  • What does God say about how we should worship?
John 4:24
  • According to this passage, if your spirit is not involved during worship, is your heart really in it? Is that acceptable in God’s eyes?
  • In Philippians 1:27, it says that we should be “standing firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.” How do you think we can be like this? Or if you already are, how do you think you can encourage others to worship this way?
  • Worship is a time to ask God for forgiveness, a chance to be closer with God, to give God our glory, to take the Lord’s supper, etc. Worship needs to be a serious matter that we take to heart and be mature about.
1 Corinthians 14:20

Here are several ideas on how to stay more focused during worship:
  • Think about the example you are setting for younger girls who are looking up to you. Are you modeling how a Christian should act during services?
  • Hold each other accountable. When you see a fellow Christian messing around on their phone or whispering a lot with their neighbor, let them know (in a KIND manner) that they are hindering your worship. It’s always hard to be corrected if you are the one at fault, but in the end the person correcting you is saying something because it’s necessary and important!
  • Don’t give yourself the opportunity to be distracted. For example if you get distracted by little babies, don’t sit next to them. If drawing can be a bad habit of yours, don’t bring paper to doodle on, etc. etc.
  • If you notice that you go through the motions during services, pray about it!
  • Anymore ideas? _____________________________________________

  • Do you find yourself “going through the motions” during services? If yes, why do you think you do so?
  • When using an iPhone, iPod, iPad etc. for a bible, is it more tempting for you to check your messages or play games? Does technology during services have effect on you at all?

Prayer requests:

Life is like a camera lens. Focus only on what’s important and you will capture it perfectly.”

6.18.13 Tattoos & Piercings
As I’m sure you have all noticed that a current trend in our generation is to get tattooed and pierced. Over the years it has become a controversial topic in the church. As Christians, some of us might be thinking about getting our nose pierced or getting a tattoo of a special quote. In this study tonight, we will be learning more about this topic, taking a look at if getting pierced and tattooed is sinful and respecting our parents wishes.
  • Is it a sin to get or be tattooed and pierced?
No. It does not directly say in the bible that it is a sin, but many people use Leviticus 19:28 to say that it is. This verse is in the Old Testament, and is where God is telling the Israelites to not tattoo or pierced themselves because during that time in their culture, people were doing this to be worshiping dead people. God didn’t want others to look at them and think they were worshiping the dead and not him, which is why he commanded them not to.
When thinking about getting a tattoo or/and piercing done, we need to be thinking about a few things.
  • Just because it is not a sin to be tattooed or pierced, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the opportunity to be.
  • Is this going to be glorifying God? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
  • What are the main reasons or the purpose of wanting to get this done?
  • If we are altering our appearance, is it in a positive way? Would people feel comfortable approaching us and talking to us?
  • Is my placement for the tattoo or piercing appropriate?
  • Are you respecting your parents wishes? Romans 17:29-32,
Ephesians 6:1-3

  • Have you ever wanted to get a tattoo or piercing done before? Why? If you already have one, do you regret it?
  • Do you honestly find it hard to visualize a Christian being covered in tattoos and piercings? Would you feel comfortable talking to someone who did?
Prayer requests:

6.25.13 Relationship with Your Sisters

One of the wonderful things about baptism is that when you are baptized, you become a part of family. It’s amazing how many wonderful, Christian people you will meet, know and love. Although this is a very positive and necessary part of our lives, it can be hard to get along with your sisters in Christ. But it’s also important for us to realize that we are all in this journey together. In this study we will be talking about what our relationships should be like, how we can build up one another, and how to deal with some difficult situations.
  • What does God say about what our relationship with Christians should be like?
Philippians 2:4, Romans 12:10, Romans 12:15
  • Do you know any older Christian women in our church (or other churches) who have this kind relationship with their sisters? Explain what they do for each other and how they act.

  • A lot of the times, as women, we can feel alone. School can be overwhelming, work can be stressful, people can be frustrating, and the list goes on and on. As Christians though, it’s our job to build one another up, especially as sisters in Christ! We are all in this together, and taking the time to pray for one another is something very important, especially when we are angry with eachother. James 5:16

Although we are sisters, not every Christian woman you are going to meet you are going to get along with. It can be hard and discouraging to have negative feelings toward someone, but we need to remember what God has commanded us to do! John 13: 34-35

  • Can we still dislike our brethren, but love them as well?

  • List 6 things that encourage you personally that a can sister can do to help you during difficult times.
  • Is there a Christian woman that you don’t know very well? Why do you think this is?
  • How often do you really pray for your sisters in Christ?

Prayer requests:

A friend hears the song in your heart and sings it back to
you when you forget the words.”
7.2.13 Watching What You Post
Thanks to technology, almost all of us have a serious attachment when it comes to things such as iPhones, iPads, laptops, smart phones, etc. Although these nifty devices can be helpful and fun to use, sometimes we can caught up in the moment of them when posting things. In this study, we will talk about what God says about using bad language, things to think about before you post, and how to deal with others who are not posting things that are acceptable according to God’s word.
  • What does God have to say about using bad language?
Exodus 20:7, Matthew 12: 36-37, Ecclesiastes 5:2-3, Ecclesiastes 5:6
  • Why do you personally believe girls post inappropriate pictures and statuses?
  • Some people use good language when they are talking with you, but on things like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. they use bad language, why do you think this is the case?
God has clearly told us to not say His name in vain, to use inappropriate language, and that we are going to be held accountable for our words. Although it can be tempting, we need to understand as Christians that we need to be a positive influence on our peers and to represent ourselves in a Godly way. 1 Timothy 4:12
Some things to think about:
  • If we are posting bad language only on certain apps or websites because our Christian friends or family can’t see them, remember that God is the one watching you every second. You’ve already been “caught”, so don’t post it!
  • Make sure to look at who you are “following” or who you are “friends” with. If they are constantly posting things that are not okay, evaluate your reasons for being in contact with that person. Are their posts influencing you in a good way? Is it what you should be looking at?
  • Evaluate before you post: Is this going to glorify God? Am I representing myself as a Christian? Is this going to encourage those around me?
  • If you see language that it not okay, or photos that you don’t think should be seen, say something about it! Don’t be afraid to speak up and say stop.
Pictures can also be a trap that the devil wants you to fall in! Posting “selfies” every now and then or what you’re eating for lunch is okay, but we need to make sure that we are not being self-centered or taking our focus away from God. Again, we need to think about what our purpose is for these photos. Are we posting because we want to show off our new outfit and brag? Are we showing a little too much cleavage because we haven’t been feeling great about ourselves lately? Think about it!
  • Look through some photos that you have posted online or on apps. What could you improve on?
  • Think of some people you know that post things that are not according to God’s word. How can you help them and encourage them to post appropriate things?

Prayer requests:

If only our tongues were made of glass,
how much more careful we would be when we speak.”
7.9.13 Modesty – Clothing

As Christians, it can be hard to make the right decisions when it comes to clothing. There are trends all around us that we see and like, but are our choices pleasing to God? Tonight we will take a look at what God has to say about how we present ourselves, tips on how to dress appropriately, and what we don’t want to look like!
  • Revelation 17:4
  • How do you think this verse is relevant to how things are today when it comes to modesty and how women present themselves?
  • In Proverbs 31:17, it says that a woman who fears the Lord dresses herself with strength. Do you think that as Christians, we dress ourselves this way? Have you seen Christian girls who haven’t?

When it comes to how we present ourselves, it’s important to understand that we are not only representing who we are, but what God finds acceptable in His eyes! We should be an example to others, especially to those who do not know God. Proverbs 31:25

Besides God’s disapproval of presenting ourselves as sexy or provocative, what are some other good reasons to not dress immodestly that you can think of?
  • _______________
  • _______________
  • _______________
  • _______________
  • _______________
  • _______________

Some things to keep in mind:
  • If you are hesitating whether or not something is immodest, it most likely isn’t okay. Either find a way to adjust the clothing to make it look better, or toss it. Don’t let a t-shirt cause a guy you might know to lust! Titus 2:4-6, Matthew 5:27-28
  • When putting on a new outfit, it can definitely make you feel more confident. Is it making you feel more confident though, for the right reasons? For example, is your cleavage showing a little more than usual, and that’s why you’re feeling better about yourself?
  • Shop with Christian friends or someone that you trust, that way before you buy something, you can ask them if you think it is immodest. They will give you honest feedback!
  • Remember that you don’t want to be this girl! Proverbs 5:1-6
  • We don’t want to our clothing to lead to these things. Galatians 5:19
  • Anymore thoughts? _________________________________________________________.

  • Is modesty something that you personally struggle with? If yes, why do you think this is?
  • Do you think you could ever find the courage to tell someone who is not a Christian that they are dressed immodestly?

Prayer requests:

Would you feel comfortable with what your wearing in the Lord’s presence?”
7.16.13 Staying Close with God

Living in a world full of sin is such a temptation. Whether it’s music, friends, television, guys, parties, etc, it’s difficult at times to even feel like God is with you. When we go through hard times, it’s easy to give up, skip church, and stay home. But what we need to realize is that we need God in our life. He is our number one “cheerleader”, and he wants us to put our trust in him especially when we are struggling. Tonight in our study we will talk about ways to stay close to God during difficult times, and things that we need to do to have a relationship with God.
  • How do we know God is the one we should turn to when we are hurting or struggling? James 4:7-8
  • Think about someone you know who doesn’t even have a relationship with God. Do you think that because they don’t have God in their lives that they suffer? Is this suffering now or will it be later?

Things to keep in mind when you are not feeling close to God:
  • Read James 1:17. If everything good and perfect is from God, we need to put our faith and love in Him.
  • God does not approve of sin, so how could we possibly feel close to him if we are doing these things? Galatians 5:20
  • How often are you praying? Matthew 6:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
  • How often are you studying? 2 Timothy 2:15, Psalms 119:11
  • How often are you going to worship? Psalms 150:1-6, John 4:23-24
  • How often are you in contact outside of church with your Christian family? Do you even have a relationship with the people in your congregation?
  • The most important relationship we can have is with God. If our hearts are not right, there is an issue!

  • Can it be hard for you to sometimes go to worship?
  • What could you personally improve on when it comes to being on fire for God and having a relationship with Him?

Prayer requests:

The bible is meant to be bread for daily use, not just cake for special occasions.”
7.23.13 Under the Influence
One of the biggest temptations for most teenagers or young adults in high school and college is drinking and doing drugs. The “party” lifestyle that we can be exposed to is hard to deal with when it feels like a lot of your peers do it, when you want to fit in, or just let loose. In this study tonight we will be discussing how to stay away from these things, how and why it is a sin, and how we can be a positive influence on others.
  • Where does it say drinking/doing drugs is sinful? Galatians 5:19-24,
Luke 21:34-36, Romans 13:12-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8,
2 Timothy 4:5, 1 Peter 1:13, 1 Peter 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8
There are things we need to think about when it comes to drinking or doing drugs:
  • Doing drugs and/or drinking and driving is illegal. If we do these things we are violating Romans 13:1.
  • If you’re being tempted to do these things by friends, they aren’t really being your friends in the first place!
  • Our hearts and mind should be focused on God, and you can’t do that while your drunk or high. Colossians 3:2
  • When you lose control of yourself, things can happen that you don’t expect.
Tips on how to stay away from getting into stuff like this:
  • Surround yourself with good, moral people
  • Remember what your main focus should be on, getting to heaven and worshiping God!
  • Anymore ideas? _____________________________________________

Think of a person you know or people you know who drink or do drugs. Fill out the list of negative and positive effects that doing these things have had on their life.

We need to realize that nothing good comes from drinking or doing drugs when it comes down to it all. It’s just not worth it. Every time you might feel tempted to do one of these things, take a look at the list you just made!
  • Has doing drugs or drinking ever been a temptation for you? Why or why not?

  • Do you know anyone who has been seriously addicted to drugs and/or alcohol? How did it affect you and your life?
Prayer requests:

Today I shall behave as if this is the day I will be remembered.” –Dr.Seuss
7.30.13 Bitterness in Your Heart

Sometimes when life gets hard, it can be a struggle to not be bitter about some things that have happened to us. A friend treats you wrong, you lose your job, a person says something unkind about you, school is hard with loads of homework. Sometimes it feels like everything is just coming all at you at once, and we can even start to blame God. All of these things can cause us to be bitter, and we carry it around with us constantly. In this study, we will be talking about how to deal with these feelings, what God says we need to be like, and how we can better ourselves as Christians.
  • What does God have to say about holding grudges and being mean spirited towards others? Leviticus 19:17-18, James 3:14-15
  • Do you see people in you high school, college, or work that can be bitter or complain a lot? How pleasant is it to be around them?

Here are some things to think about when it comes to having bitterness our heart:
  • The struggle you are going through with someone is not worth risking what we have in heaven! Romans 8:18
  • If you are holding a grudge towards someone, God knows your heart even when you aren’t acting on how you feel.
  • Life is way too short to waste on silly things that really don’t matter. Let it go!
  • If you have a problem with someone, sit down and talk about it.
  • Think of the fruit of the spirit: we should have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Galatians 5:22-23
  • We are commanded to love one another. Matthew 22:37-40

  • Think of someone who you have been bitter about something towards you before. Have you solved this issue yet? If so, how did you? If not, what steps do you need to take to forgive this person and move forward?
  • Is it easy for you to forgive somebody? Why or why not?

Prayer requests:

Holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent-free in your head.”
8.6.13 Modesty – Language & Actions
We all live in a society that believes in people speaking their mind and doing whatever they want, and this is especially the mindset for young adults. People can say and do horrible things to each other, and it’s definitely discouraging to have to live in a world like this. Not only do we have to deal with these worldly people, but we also need to reflect on what we are doing as Christians. Do we let a bad word come out of our mouths? Do we do things to people that we shouldn’t? It can be hard to deal with these things, and in this study we will be talking about how we need to be behaving when it comes to our language and actions.
  • Is it a sin to use bad language and say the Lords name in vain? Yes. Ecclesiastes 5:2, Exodus 20:7, Deuteronomy 5:11, Psalms 139:20,
Leviticus 19:12
  • Do we need to restrain some of the things we want to say and do? Yes.
Proverbs 17:27-28
  • Do you think people in our society act this way most of the time? Why or why not?
Some things to keep in mind when you are thinking before you say or do something:
  • We need to glorify God with our words always. Psalms 109:30
  • We need to keep our mouth shut at times! Proverbs 21:23
  • When we are angry and say or do things in the moment, we are being foolish. Proverbs 18:6-7
  • We should be speaking like this: Proverbs 16:24
  • We need to be open to what others are trying to tell us and listen!
Proverbs 18:2
What are some healthy, acceptable tricks or ways to handle stressful or hard situations that you use, or you have seen others use, to help cope with these stressful times?


  • Do you personally have a hard time with restraining your words and actions? When is it the hardest for you to do so?
  • Do you consider words such as “oh my gosh” “OMG” “oh my goodness” “shoot” “dang it” etc. to not be something that a Christian should say? Why?
  • Have you had someone in your life who claimed that they were Christians, yet were very harsh with their actions and used inappropriate words? How did it make you feel?
Prayer requests:

Be the type of person you want to meet.”
8.13.13 Being Materialistic
One of the biggest distractions we can have today are the materials around us. Whether it’s clothes, phones, cars, tablets, hair products, purses, almost everything that we can be attracted to can lead us to be greedy and jealous of others. We live in a society where the more money and expensive things you have, “the better you are”. In this study tonight, we will be talking about why we shouldn’t be or become materialistic people and why money can be such a sinful thing to have.
  • Where does it say in the bible that we need to keep ourselves away from the love of money and materialistic things? 1 Timothy 6:10, Hebrews 13:5-6, Matthew 6:24
  • What should we be doing instead of focusing on worldly things?
Matthew 6:19-21
In a world full of desirable things, we need to be able to appreciate man made things, but at the same time have our main focus be on God and our relationship with Him rather than worldly things. Here are some things we need to keep in mind when we struggle with focusing on what really matters.
  • Go back and read Matthew 6:19-21
  • Material things are not the only thing that can take our focus away from God, our own wishes and desires are a distraction as well. When we feel this way, we need to read Psalms 37:4-5.
  • We need to be happy with what God has already given us. Luke 3:14
  • This is who we don’t want to be! 2 Timothy 3:2-5
  • Paul learned to be content in whatever circumstances he was in.
Philippians 4:11
Sometimes we can get the idea in our heads that we “need” something and we obsess over it till we get it. Are we even satisfied then? No! We want something else, always bigger and better. What we really need is God in our lives. Next time you find yourself desiring something and obsessing over it, remember that God always needs to come first.
  • Do you honestly think that you can be a materialistic person? Why or why not?
  • If you were given $1,000,000 right now, list the top 5 things you would do with it.
Prayer requests:
The best things in life aren’t things.”
8.20.13 Stressing Over Non Spiritual Things
With school starting back again for most of us, it’s time to get back into the grind of things. Whether it’s homework, tests, projects, after school activities, it’s nearly impossible to not be stressed when you’re in school, or just stressed in general. We end up spending so much time worrying over things that in the end really don’t matter. In this study tonight, we will be talking about how to de-stress, what the bible says about our feelings, and what we all personally struggle with when it comes to stress.
  • What does God say we need to do when we are stressed, anxious, or worried about something in our lives? 1 Peter 5:6-7, John 14:27, Romans 8:6, Romans 16:20, Philippians 4:6-7, Psalms 37:5, Proverbs 16:3, Romans 12:2, James 1:2-4
Here are some things to think about when we are consumed with feelings that can seem difficult to handle.
  • When we feel anxious, stressed, worried, etc. we need to pray!
1Thessalonians 5:17
  • It’s important to remember that God wouldn’t give us a task that we can’t handle. We need to keep our faith in Him!
  • When it comes to stressing out, sometimes we just need a break. We need to make time for things that can help us de-stress and let out our feelings, otherwise it can lead us into doing things we wouldn’t normally, such as saying things we don’t mean and being angry with one another.
  • Talk with another Christian woman that you trust. Ask if they have gone through a similar struggle that you are going through currently. We can learn a lot from the wise, older generation of women around us!
  • Any more ideas? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • List five things that stress you out the most throughout the year. Then after, list some ways that you think you could do to change how you feel.
  • Do you think you handle stressful situations easier than other people do? Why or why not?

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it’s going to launch you forward into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.”