As we got to talking though, I noticed that things had completely changed. They started talking about how much they loved drinking with their college friends and how one night stands were frequently common and accepted in their life. After their little speech about how awesome and amazing the "college life" was, I explained about my faith. I said that I had really changed in the past year, and that I didn't really care about my college experience, what I cared about was God and my relationship with Him. A few seconds after, my friend said something that really stuck with me. They said the words: "Well, you're really missing out."
At the time, I honestly felt like I was. I see videos and pictures all the time on Facebook, Vine, Instagram, etc. of people looking like they are having an awesome time doing stupid stuff with their friends. So what was I supposed to say to that comment? What could I say that was going to make worshiping God sound better than partying all the time?
I quickly changed the topic to something different, and we agreed to disagree in the end, but after our talk I couldn't help but think, I am missing out. I'm missing out what people would call the college experience, but they are missing out on a Godly experience, which is the most important one?
Parties and kickbacks can be fun, but do they last forever? No.
Does God's love last forever? Yes.
Does drinking and smoking and cussing bring me to heaven and closer to God? No.
Does going to church and worshiping Him make my life better, and my relationship with Him stronger? Of course!
I really wish that I could go back to that conversation with my friend. They made me feel like such a little kid, and so inexperienced in life that it even made me feel bad about myself.
I think sometimes that we can all at one point feel this way when we talk to others who are not Christians. We are embarrassed at times to be open, and honest about God's word. I truly believe though that over time, we don't have to feel insecure when these things happen. We need to be more proactive in expressing what the Lord wants us to do, including myself.
So I say ask yourself, which one is more important to you: partying or heaven? The choice is yours, but for me, I know I'm not missing out on the greatest thing in the world: God.
2 Corinthians 5:1-10 " For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. 2 Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, 3 because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. 4 For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now
the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has
given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.6 Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. 7 For we live by faith, not by sight. 8 We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 9 So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."