Monday, June 10, 2013

God's Little Whisper (Sarah's Seed Article)

When I started to become more independent and was given more responsibility for myself, my mom used to remind me before I left the house or went somewhere to always listen to my “little whisper,” as she calls it. At first, I couldn't really comprehend what she was saying. Did someone literally whisper in my ear? If I did hear the whisper, was it always right? Did I always have to listen to it? The more I became exposed as some might say to the real world, the more I started to understand. Nobody came up and whispered to you what you were doing was right or wrong, you just knew. The little voice inside your head that is so small, but so important. My mom always says to listen to it. No matter what you feel, listen to the voice.

I feel like every time I hear someone say they don't know what to do with a situation in their life, I don't believe them, simply because I know we all have a little voice, we just choose not to listen to it. For the longest time, I'd deny my little voice. I'd tell myself it was only a thought, and I'd then proceed to come up with some excuse to my thoughts. The voice didn't last long, so that just meant it didn't matter, right?

As you can see, I have a way of talking myself into and out of things, and this is just one way that I decided to ignore my whisper. Even though it was so small, and only came around on certain occasions, not listening would change my life in many ways and put myself through things that I didn't know if I'd be able to overcome.

The part that frustrates me the most is that sometimes, I still don't listen to it. I know what's right and what is wrong, yet I still try to find a way out or come up with more excuses, or fill my brain with hope that something will turn around and change. I still struggle with listening, but recently I've discovered that not only is this voice something that I should listen to, but that somehow it's God.

It blows my mind to think about how our brains can even absorb the information we do and how it controls the body etc. But what really has me amazed is that God has put a feeling, or the little voice as my mom says, inside us to listen to. It's amazing to me, to think that God has given us all the ability to know what we should or what we shouldn't do.

Now some people I know may say that they don't have little voice. A lot of people didn't grow up in the church, or even believe in what Christianity is. But I don't necessarily think that you have to grow up in the church to hear Gods whisper, some just choose to ignore it or dilute it with harmful substances like drugs or alcohol. I remember my mom telling me a story about a woman who had a sudden, strange feeling about a man who was near her, and the next thing you know he's got a gun in his hand. You can find so many news stories about people who “had a feeling” or believed that something “just wasn't right.” The thing that I have noticed the most? It's never wrong.

God is prefect in every way, and I feel like somehow I have a connection with Him when I hear my whisper. Like somehow, God's telling me what I know I need to hear. Sometimes that's hard to listen to, I'm currently having a hard time with dealing with the consequences of listening to the voice, but in the end I know it's the right thing that I'm doing no matter how much I lose. No matter what. God's love will never fail you, and if you listen to it, you'll be glad you did.

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