Friday, August 23, 2013

Wearing the Cross

One of my favorite apps right now has to be Vine. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's an app where people post 7 second videos, most of them being very funny. Although I have watched some really hilarious videos on there, the other day I watched a video that was under  the "On The Rise" category that really disturbed me.

This girl was standing in a mirror, wearing a shirt that had a giant leopard print cross on it. She went on to say "People ask me when I wear this shirt: Oh! Are you religious?! 
And I say: Hell no! I'm just into fashion!" 

In Matthew 27:46, we read the last words Jesus says before he was crucified on the cross to wash away our sins. He went through excruciating pain and agony up on that cross for us.

It's sad to think that in today's society, we look at a cross and instantly think "fashion". Jesus didn't die for us to be more fashionable, he died because he loves us.

When we do wear clothing that has crosses on it, we need to be asking ourselves if we are respecting what Jesus did for us. Are wearing a cross tank top because we want to stand out and be "trendy"? Or are we wearing this cross because we want to remind others of what Jesus has done for us and to share our faith?

It's sad to think that clothing companies such as Forever21 sell 355 items (yes, I went online and looked) that have some sort of cross on it. Some of them even have upside down crosses, which some people don't even realize is a symbol for being anti-christ. 

How often do you think that the people who buy these items even have a relationship with God? Or have even sat down recently and prayed to Him? It's hard for me to think about, but I believe the odds of the people who actually go to that store buy those cross pants or necklaces because they want to represent what Jesus did for us.

We need to respect, love, praise, and give our hearts to God always. Jesus died on the cross for us, and we need to respect the powerful meaning that a cross has.

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