Monday, April 14, 2014

Young Ladies Winter Bible Class


November 7th – January 30th
Written by Ashley Woods
Compiled by Ashley Woods & Amber Head
Read & Reviewed by Amber Head, Julie Woods & Patti McClelland
Photo Credit: Shawna Liles















1) Is gossiping a sin?

Yes! It's very clear that in the bible, God disapproves of gossip.

Ephesians 4:25, Proverbs 12:22 When we hear gossip and spread it, we don't know if it's true or not! We can easily be lying and telling false things which is not okay.

Ephesians 4:29-32 We are told to be kind, loving people!

Romans 1:29-32 There are so many things listed here, even gossiping! In verse 32 it says that we even deserve to die when we do these things.

James 3:3-6 Even just a few simple words can change the direction of our lives, we need to always be on guard.

2) If we aren't supposed to gossip, what do we talk about?

We need to keep others short comings small, so instead we need to say positive things about each other and talk about things that are pleasing to God.

3) Where does it say in the bible that we have to confront our brothers and sisters rather than gossip about them to others? Do we really have to talk to them about how we feel or what we have heard?

Yes. If this person has sinned against you, read Matthew 18:15-17. It can be uncomfortable to do this, but the purpose is to restore someone who is not doing God's will. God hates sin and we should hate it like He does, but also have compassion as well.

If they have not sinned and there is just a personality conflict, it doesn't mean someone has sinned. We need to learn to deal with it and love them anyways! Galatians 5:14

4) Why should we take the answer to question number three literally?

We need to trust that God has given us the tools to handle situations like this. 2 Peter 1:3

What other way could we handle the situation? That's what it says, there is no figurative language here.

5) Where's the fine line between gossiping and really trying to seek advice and help?

Sometimes, we just don't know. It's really difficult sometimes to make a decision, but in the end we need to make a judgment call. We always need to be thinking about what's best for that person, and every situation with every person is different.


1) Do we need to ask for forgiveness of our sins even if we are already baptized?

Yes! 1 John 1:9

2) Does it say in the bible that we need to come forward to the church?

It doesn't say specifically that we need to come forward to the church, but it does say that we need to confess our sins to one another and forgive each other. Colossians 3:13

Coming forward to the church is just one of the ways we can ask God for forgiveness.

3) What's the difference between asking for forgiveness to God and coming forward to the congregation?

For an example, imagine a guy who was very open about sleeping with a lot of women and was known for being a “player”. If he wanted to ask for forgiveness, he would need to come forward. Why? Because if the general public knows about his sins, there are several reasons why it's appropriate to come forward to the church:

  • It's a convenient time to let everyone know of your situation and that you're asking God for forgiveness.
  • An outward show of your repentance, saying that you have changed.
  • It's an easy way to let everyone know you are struggling and in need of prayers.
  • It's also a way to publicly ask for forgiveness in regards to how it affected the church.

4) When is coming forward to ask for prayers in certain situations appropriate? Does it have to be something "big"?

If it helps a person to really change, it's a very good thing. If it's just a constant thing, it's not necessary.

It doesn't matter if it is something “big”. Sin is sin and God hates it! 1 John 3:4

5) When it comes to asking God for forgiveness, do we need to pray about every single sin we make? What happens when we don't realize we are sinning?

If we know that we have sinned before we were baptized, there isn't a need to ask for forgiveness about it because our sins were washed away when we were baptized. John 3:16

But when we have sinned after we have been baptized and we do come to the realization that we have sinned, we do need to ask God for forgiveness. 1 John 1:9

We might not always realize that we have sinned at times, but we should always be seeking God's word and what he expects from us. We will be held accountable for our actions on judgment day.
Acts 17:30-31
Galatians 5:22-26

1) What does the fruit of the spirit actually mean?

“Fruit” is a common term meaning your actions, deeds or words.

“Spirit” can mean multiple things, but in this case it doesn't specifically specify. It's mostly likely talking about the Holy Spirit. If it doesn't say other wise, it doesn't really matter in the end.

When both of the terms are combined, it means that the Fruit of the Spirit is a physical manifestation (meaning the act of disclosing what is secret or display) of Christ.

2) Are we supposed to have the Fruit of the Spirit in us?

Yes! Romans 8:1, 9-11 Our physical bodies do not matter, we need to have the Fruit of the Spirit. It clearly says in verse 9 that if we do not have the spirit, we are not with Christ.

3) Do our works need to be evident to others around us? Should people be able to see the fruit of the spirit in us?

Absolutely! Matthew 7:16 People should be able to recognize that we are set apart from the world.

4) What does it mean in verse 23 when it says "against no such things there is no law?"

Paul is saying that they will be fine if they have any of these things. There is no way that the people of Galatia can get in trouble with the law.

5) Where are some examples of women in the bible who had the Fruit of the Spirit in them?

There is no place in the bible where it says directly that someone had the Fruit of the Spirit in them, but it was shown in their actions.

Dorcus: Acts 9:36-39 She was full of good works! The widows really loved her and were grateful for what she had done for them.

Lydia: Acts 16:13-15 She showed kindness and love to Paul and Silas.

6) Why is the Fruit of the Spirit even important to understand?

Matthew 12:43 When we get rid of the bad things in our life, we can to fill it with good things.

1 Peter 1:15-16 Holy means to be set apart, so it's everything we are supposed to be!

Galatians 5:19-21 If we don't work on it, this is what we are.


1) Where does it say that homosexuality is a sin?

1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:8-11, Romans 1:26-32

2) Is homosexuality genetic? Is it possible to be born and or develop an attraction to be gay?

No. A study taken in 2003 by the International Human Genome Consortium proved that there is no such thing as a “gay gene”.

People can absolutely be predisposed by their environment and can definitely develop an attraction. (Parents have a huge role in this!) In our society today it's also a trend to “go both ways” so it's also becoming a choice. Hormones can also make people feel more manly or more girly, but people have the choice to act Godly or not.

3) Since it is a sin to be acting on homosexual feelings, does that mean that it is sinful to be a transgender?

A lot of people who are transgender say that they were born in the wrong body. When people say this, in a way they are saying that God makes mistakes, but He doesn't! God made us who we are.
Genesis 1:26-27

People who say that they are transgender would probably feel a lot more comfortable with themselves if they didn't have the opportunity to change what they look like. Back in the bible times, people didn't have the option to have surgery and get new body parts.

We need to remember that it's important for us to have compassion for others who are struggling with being gay or transgender, but that we also need to hate the sin. Matthew 5:43-44, 2 Timothy 2:24-26

4) There is a huge revolution going on today about voting for gay marriage to become legal. Does it really matter if they are legal or not, since they are just going to act the same way anyway?

Although it may not seem like fighting against gay marriage will make a difference, it will! The whole concept of marriage will be destroyed if we allow gays to marry each other. Romans 1:26-27 God does the binding. If gays have no right to each other in the eyes of God, they aren't really married anyways.

If gay marriage does become legal, other things like polygamy, being able to marry an object, etc. will become legal as well. If we destroy the image of marriage that God has created then anything will eventually become “okay”.

5) Is it really possible to “pray the gay away”?

With God, anything is possible! Matthew 19:26 God gives us strength and our faith can save us from sin and disabilities. Sin just makes everything worse, but we can have the capability to alter our brain chemistry with light, which is God's word. Luke 18:27

1) Does it say anywhere in the bible that we need to go to church Sunday nights and Wednesday nights?

Hebrews 10:24-25 It does, but not specifically the days. It says don't neglect to meet together, which is what people do when they don't show up to services.

God does understand when we get sick, but this verse is talking about the idea of choosing not to go. There is a huge difference between being sick and choosing not to be at church. Hebrews 10:26-29

2) How do we decide how many times as a church we meet together and how much time we
should spend together as a church? What if we wanted to change it? Who makes the decision?

The bible doesn't give us a specific time or the amount of time we need to spend together to worship God.

Tradition is why we meet on the times and days that we do. The people who started Queen Way decided that meeting twice on Sundays and once on Wednesdays was the best decision.

We are absolutely able to change the times days of our worship (Except that we need to gather together on the Lord's day).

Our elders would be the ones who would have the authority to change our times and days for worship. They would be in charge of making the decisions and talking to the congregation about it.

3) Is it a sin when people in our congregation choose not come to services on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights?

Yes. Hebrews 10: 26-29 We can't be lukewarm for God, we need to be on fire for him!
Revelations 3:15-17

4) Why is it the people choose not to come to certain services?

There are multiple excuses that people make, but it's not just because they are tired or “sick”. Not coming to worship is a symptom for another serious problem that should be addressed. We need to be careful though, we shouldn't be judging others.

5) How should we go about approaching someone who is not coming on Sunday nights and Wednesdays?

Encourage people to come, send them messages saying that we miss them! Or if you are relatively close with someone, pull them aside and talk to them about it. We should always be careful when we do this, we don't want to be discouraging.

We need to be kind and encouraging to one another. Micah 6:8, 2 Peter 1:5-7

1) Is it wrong to listen to music that is religious and uses instruments?

The bible doesn't say that it is wrong to listen to Christian music but instruments are not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. Instruments are only mentioned in the Old Testament.
Colossians 3:16

When it comes to these types of topics, it ultimately comes down to a judgment call, but that doesn't mean we aren't given some examples in the bible of what happens when we don't do exactly what God wants us to.

Leviticus 16:12, 10:1 Just because they got the fire from a different place, they weren't doing exactly what God told them do to. We need to do exactly what God tells us to do.

2 Samuel 6:3 Uzzah and Ahio carried the ark wrong, again, not how God asked them to.

What can we take away from these two stories? We need to do things exactly how He says, or we risk the chance of losing our future in heaven. No ifs ands or buts about it!

2) Since listening to Christian music is a gray area, how are we supposed to decide whether or not it brings glory to God?

If God doesn't say it's a sin directly that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. We need to make a big judgment call here. We need to remember that even the devil can disguise himself as light.
2 Corinthians 11:14

Think of it this way: Is listening to Christian music really worth the risk of not getting into heaven? Is it really that important to us so we can't live without it?

3) Is it wrong to take Christian music and make our own version of it and sing it without musical instruments?

Not at all! God commands us to sing, but He doesn't explain exactly where we need to get our songs. We are given the choice to choose which songs we want to sing.

4) Do we really need to take this so seriously? If it's a gray area why is it so important?

Our life in heaven is at risk if we don't take this seriously. If we are sinning, we risk our life in heaven.

We are also not respecting God and His word if we aren't doing what He's asked us to. We need to be living our lives for God, not for ourselves. The bible never says that we get to put our own personal twist on things.


1) What is fasting?

The Greek definition of fasting means to abstain from food religiously.

2)Why did people fast back in the bible times? Where is an example of it in the bible?

People fasted back in bible times to ask to God to help them. They fasted in times of struggle, stress and fear.

2 Chronicles 20:1-4 Jehoshaphat was scared for his people and he knew that only God could help him. He decided to gather all the people of Judah and fast together.

2 Chronicles 20:13-17 The Spirit of the Lord comes to them and tells them not to worry. God was with them and they wouldn't even have to fight. If they hadn't fasted the way they did to God, do you think that they would they have lived? Probably not.

Esther 4:15-17 Esther fasted so that God would be with her people and that she would succeed in saving the Jews.

3) Is it wrong to fast? Can we fast in a sinful way?

No, if anything it is encouraged! In Matthew 6:16-18 Jesus approved of fasting if they were going to be sincere about it. Fasting can be looked at as a stronger commitment, it means that much more to God. Our prayer life needs to be constant!1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

But it is possible fast in a sinful way? Yes. Isaiah 58: 3-7 They were misusing it because they were doing it for themselves. They wanted to be looked at and appear to be holy.

Matthew 6:16 Some of the people weren't doing it to truly bring glory to God. People were even making their faces seem ghostly so that people would think highly of them for fasting.

4) How come many Christians don't fast?

Fasting is a very personal thing. Going back to Matthew 6:17-18, it talks about being in secret and humbling ourselves before God. We aren't necessarily doing what God wants us to if we are telling everybody we know that we are fasting.

Other simply choose not to. We don't want to deny ourselves food, and many think that prayer is just enough.


1) Were there ghosts and demons in biblical times?



1 Samuel 28:3-20 Saul has a conversation with Samuel who had already died!


Demon possession is never mentioned in Old Testament. Only in the New Testament do we read about them.

Matthew 12:22-28 Jesus healed a man who was possessed by a demon.

Acts 19:13-17 This gives us proof that demons had control over peoples thoughts and actions.

Matthew 12:43-45 Unclean spirits could rest in humans and it was not uncommon for people to see them.

2) Can they exist today? Is it possible for a person to really see a ghost?

We know in Matthew 12:25-29 that Jesus bound Satan. Just because Jesus bound him though doesn't mean that he can't do anything to harm us. It only limits him.

Ghosts are spirits and when they appeared to people in the bible, it was always for a purpose.

3) Some religions believe that demons live here on earth and that they can take over your soul. Why do they believe in this and do exorcisms?

There are people out there who think demons take over your souls because it has historically happened before. Acts 19:11-16

Movies like “The Last Exorcism” portray a false idea of what demon possession can be like. It doesn't happen unwillingly, like to a little girl. Satan will come into your heart if you welcome him in.

So, is it really possible? It can be, it's a choice.

4) Is it wrong to watch movies about ghosts and demon possession?

No. What we do need to remember though is that they are just movies. (Just like movies such as Harry Potter, it's fictional!) We shouldn't put our faith in movies like that or allow it to make us question our God.


1) What do honesty, lying and deceit really mean? What are the differences between lying to someone or being deceitful to them?

Greek definition of deceit: A decoy or trick. Something that has the appearance of truth, and can contain some truth, but is still false. (For example: a “white” lie) Mark 7:22, Romans 1:29, Romans 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 2:3

Greek definition of lying: Pseudos which means a falsehood, Revelations 21:8

Greek definition of honesty: Kalos which means of literally or morally good that is valuable or virtuous. Ephesians 4:25

2) Where does it say in the bible that we need to be truthful and trustworthy?

Matthew 5:33-37 (In James 5:12 this is repeated again also). We need to let our yes be yes, and our no be no! We don't need to make oaths or “pinky promises” because we should be trustworthy people.

We are told to be like Christ, and He has always been honest. He never sinned on earth and His promises in the bible haven't changed. 1 Kings 8:56, Nehemiah 9:8, Hebrews 6:13-18

2) Where is a example of someone being deceitful and lying in the bible?

The story of Ananias and Sapphira Acts 5:1-11

The story of Peter Luke 22:31-34

3) Why is it important to be honest? Do we always have to be?

Yes! It's who we are and what we are supposed to be as Christians. Ephesians 4:25

We also need to show people who God is. How we are supposed to do that if we are lying and being deceitful all the time? Again, we are supposed to be like Christ and we need to be trustworthy.

4) How are we supposed to act when someone lies to us or is deceptive?

We need to react to it just as we are told to in Matthew 18:15-17.

We also need to be forgiving and loving to one another. It's hard trying to get to heaven, and it's so easy for us to sin.

It's important to move forward if this person has asked God for forgiveness and trust them. It can be hard but we are told to be trusting and to not hold a grudge against one another.


1) What are the four different types of love?

Greek definition of agape : charity, affection or benevolence

Greek definition of phileo: to be a friend to or have affection for

Storge: love that one has in relationships that is deep and bonding (for example a mother's love for her child)

Eros (which is not mentioned in the bible) : romantic, erotic and sexual love

Agape, storge and phileo are translated as love, so when we read verses in the bible that have the word love in it, it could mean any of those three.

2) Why do our translations use the word love instead of agape, phileo and storge since they all have different meanings?

People have translated the bible have their own way when it comes to interpreting the bible. Some versions do use agape, phileo and storge though.

3) Where are some examples in the bible of agape and phileo?

Agape: Matthew 5:43 , Matthew 19:19 We are told to agape our neighbor!

Ephesians 5:25-29 Husbands are told to agape their wives like Christ agape the church.

Phileo: Romans 12:9-12 This is talking about brotherly love (could also possibly be storge as well)

John 21:15-17 He didn't have the right kind of love! He didn't understand what Jesus was asking him.

4) Why is it important to understand the different types?

Titus 2:4-5 We are told to teach it to our younger women.

Ephesians 5:25-33 It has so much to do with marriage!

1 Corinthians 13:1-8, 13 Love is better than spiritual gifts. It's better than hope and faith!

5) How come eros is not mentioned in the bible? Is it wrong to have eros love?

Eros is not mentioned in the bible because there is no need for a command to have it. It comes naturally to people, and it's an instinct. It is also not a sin to have eros love, but we are still told to keep our passionate and lustful thoughts at bay.


1) Where does it say in the bible that we need to take up a collection? Why do we do it in the first place?

1 Corinthians 16: 1-2 This is the main authorization for taking up a collection.

Romans 15:25-27 Here we see an example of taking up a collection to relieve the needy saints in Jerusalem.

Why do we do it? Acts 2:44 They took care of each other, no one was in need!

2 Corinthians 9:5 Explains more on how we should give. God loves a cheerful giver!

2) How do we determine how much money we should give to God's church?

In the Old Testament, they would give 10% of what they had Deuteronomy 14:22, Leviticus 27:30

We don't need to give exactly 10% today because Jesus nailed the old law to the cross. Colossians 2:13-14 There is nothing said in the New Testament that we need to give exactly that much but some people like to use it as a guideline.

When we are thinking about giving our money, we need to keep in mind the concept of 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 and Proverbs 11:24-25. The more we give, the more we get back! God will provide for us.

Can we still apply Proverbs even though it's in the Old Testament? Yes, because it's just basic wisdom. If we want a good, happy life we should do what Proverbs says!

When it comes down to it, it's a huge judgment call on how much we should give.

3) Where does it explain in the bible how the church needs to use their money?

2 Corinthians 16:1, 9:1,12 For the saints (also known as Christians) and for God's worship. We use the Lord's money as an aid to worship (buying grape juice, bread, songbooks, etc.) We don't use it for basketball courts or doughnuts because it doesn't aid to our service for God. That's using money for what we personally want.

Acts 2:44-45 There was a need to take up a collection (shelter, food, etc.), and there still is one today.

James 2:14-16 We need to be full of good deeds!

1 Timothy 5: 4-16This explains a lot of what churches need to do with their money.

4) Is it okay to not give money?

1 Corinthians 16:1-2 It tells us to lay something aside and is very straight forward.
What excuse do we have to not give in the first place? Why would we choose not to give? Is it to save money? If that's the case then we don't understand the concept of giving and trusting God.

Mark 12:41-44 The poor widow put in all that she had. It doesn't say anything about what happens to her afterward, but with her love and trust for God He had to have taken care of her.

6) Does age matter when it comes to giving?

Age does not matter, but what does matter is when you're a baptized believer. If we are making some type of income and we are baptized, we need to give. It needs to be a priority in our lives and should have a purpose.

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